Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Process of Santa

I have a show soon in Cumberland and since I can only make stuff from one category, I chose to make santas. I thought it would be fun to share my creative process while I make them. So here is the first stage. I begin with a ball of tinfoil and shape it into roughly the size I need for a 16-22 inch figure. I then add a pancake of polymer clay to the back of the head and bake. Then I set the eyes, and fill in any deep crevices with polymer so there are no air pockets. I bake them again. This is the result of the second bake.
These creepy little faces are the basis for my santa faces...really...they look better later...


Kindra-At Home With K said...

What a sight to see all those heads in the oven. :) Can't wait to see the finished projects!!

Jessica Moreau Berry said...

EVERYTHING is looking FABULOUS here!!! LOL!


Anonymous said...

What talent . You are right the eyes are what catches peoples interest . You are very gifted and I love your santa's .